Friday 20 June 2014

This is what you've been waiting for!

Hi Blogger,
It's been a while since you last heard from me. I apologize.
Truth be told, I've been head down for over a month designing a unique program called The ESSENTIAL Marketing System for Small Business.
In this program I've combined all the best information I've acquired from nearly a decade of professional business coaching and courses, as well as what I learned from the school of hard knocks - all of which enabled me to QUADRUPLE my income in less than 2 years when I was running my own entertainment company.
We're putting the final touches on the program now, and I'm e-mailing you to give you the unique opportunity to access some of this training FOR FREE!
You see, with the new CASL legislation coming into effect, I didn't want to send you the same old-same old e-mail asking you to double opt-in (the way everyone else is).
No way, if you're going to choose to receive my e-mails, I want the information you receive to be as valuable as possible.
That's why I've released a series of three FREE video trainings that you can begin accessing right away by simply by choosing to double opt-in.
To double opt-in to my list, not only will you receive some incredible marketing tips, tools and strategies on a monthly basis, but I'll give you instant access to these three free training videos that begin the process of walking you through the creation of your ESSENTIAL marketing plan.
You will:
  • Learn how to make the day-to-day marketing of your business more seamless and natural
  •  Discover how the right sales language and process planning can grow your sales by as much as 120%
  •  Access the formula for designing a marketing message that will get prospects banging down you door

As I said, you can begin accessing this FREE training series, simply by opting in to my mailing list by clicking the link below. You can opt-out at any time (but I don't think you'll want to when you see how great the information is that you'll be receiving).


So go ahead and confirm your request to receive this great information (and access the first video in this series) by clicking here.


By clicking the link above you are confirming that we have permission to continue sending you e-mails.

 I hope you find this information EXTREMELY useful!
To your success,


Tyler A. Zeck BookPic.JPG

The Marketing Mentorship Academy
403-206-7682 (office)
403-703-0732 (mobile)

WAIT! If you unsubscribe from my list you'll miss out on all the great business and marketing tools and training I let my subscribers know about FOR FREE! Plus, how will I send you your free training videos?
But if you must go, I understand. You can use the link below!
Marketing Mentorship Academy
129 Midbend Pl SE
Calgary, Alberta T2X 258
(403) 206-7682

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